
Product Design, UI, Art Direction

Scholastic came to us and ask for their website redesign. I worked on this project from start to finish. We needed to create a concept based on their new slogan “Open a World of Possible”.

Being the content so wide and diverse we decided that we needed to tailor the experience based on users’ needs and interests. The vertical navigation allows the visitor to chose a user profile, depending on their role or job (teacher, parent, kid, librarian or administrator). The ever presence of the navigation allows the user to change their role at anytime. This way, the user can experience the website in different ways.

In the design we use a lot of illustrations and Scholastic character artwork in order to create impact and allow for an engaging experience. The curation of content allows the visitor to explore and the intuitive UI supports action from the user. We created a close relationship between the content and the e-commerce platforms in order to drive purchase and discovery.

Art Director: Antonio Moton
Visual Designer: Tania Lili
Agency: Code and Theory, New York